A Second Fear Period?

Few dog owners I meet know that there is a first fear period. Even fewer know about a second one.

It’s easier to pinpoint the first ‘Fear Imprint Period’ – some say between eight and thirteen weeks, others as small a gap as between 8 and 10 weeks.

The Second Fear Imprint Period or Fear of New Situations Period (also called Secondary Fear Phase) can be anywhere between six and eighteen months.

That’s not very helpful, is it.

How can people know when to be extra careful as their dog approaches a second fear period? How long will it last? Is it the same duration with big dogs and little dogs, working dogs, companion dogs and so on? I can’t find any real research on the subject.

As the second fear period seems to be associated with the dog’s maturing sexually, it will mean that in large breeds the fear period may develop later than with a smaller dog.montmag

It’s important to accept that if a dog becomes suddenly fearful a fear period is worth considering  but it may be to do with something else altogether. It goes without saying that any sudden change in behaviour warrants a trip to the vet to make sure there is nothing physically wrong.

PetHelpful.com explains, …’During these distinct periods dogs may gradually become more and more fearful of situations they once appeared to be accepting of. The fear may be manifested by overly cautious behaviors, where the puppy or dog approaches people or items tentatively or defensive behaviors involving barking/lunging/growling. In some cases, dogs may act bold towards certain stimuli and uncertain with others…’

According to Meghan E. Herron, veterinarian and Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists, ‘…fear period is therefore a stage during which the puppy or dog may be more apt to perceive certain stimuli threatening. During this time, the puppy is very sensitive to traumatic experiences and a single scary event may be enough to traumatize the puppy and have life-long effects on his future behaviors.’

This is what I believe had happened with a dog I went to the other day and why I have been trying to find out more about it.

Herron continues, ‘It is a survival mechanism because, as explained by Patricia McConnell in her book ‘For the Love of a Dog’, lack of caution now they are fully mobile may cause them to easily get killed’  This also, unfortunately, also coincides with the time most puppies are separated from their litter mates and go to new homes.

Dogs may suddenly start to appear fearful of new things that they would have coped with easily previously including inanimate objects. It can result in barking and lunging and pulling on the leash so this fear period has a big impact, causing the owner to worry about the dog’s behavior.

Clarence Pfaffenberger, author of The New Knowledge Of Dog Behavior, suggests there is a third fear period taking place in early adulthood. During this time, the level of aggression may increase and the dog may appear more protective and territorial. Some believe there may even be a fourth period as the dog reaches early adulthood.

Nancy Frensley, behavior and training manager at the Berkeley East Bay Humane Society in California, gives four possible fear periods. ‘Fear periods in puppies generally occur during these ages: 7 to 9 weeks; 4 to 6 months; at about 1 year; 14 to 18 months’.

Gail T Fisher calls the second fear period ‘Fear of New Situations’ (FNS), when the dog is reluctant to approach something familiar, as if seeing it for the first time. She says it occurs between 6 and 18 months of age and may occur more than once. Her theory is that FNS is related to adolescent growth spurts.

‘During these periods, puppies may show fear of items, situations or people with whom they formerly felt safe,’ says Frensley. Submissive urination, crouching, shaking and other related behaviors might be evident.

Laura McAuliffe of www.dogcommunication.co.uk explains the second fear period nicely. Suddenly spooked. The Secondary Fear Phase. ‘Your teenage puppy may suddenly show fear, backing away or perhaps even barking at things they coped well with before- people with hats, flapping carrier bags, people on ladders, bikes and scooters, black or flat faced dogs etc are all top ten triggers.’ Inanimate objects can suddenly become a source of terror!

Read McAuliffe’s article for more on the secondary fear phase.

So, do we wait on tenterhooks for our teenage dog to develop ‘sudden spookiness’, to become territorial and maybe suddenly reactive to other dogs and people or refuse to go out of the house?

I hadn’t myself much considered the second fear period until recently, but it is really important. How many adolescent dogs are there in shelters? It speaks for itself.

I guess it can be comforting to know there may be a reason for sudden ‘out of the blue’ reactivity, that it’s to be expected and not something we ourselves have inadvertently caused.

To go to my main website and read case stories of many dogs I have been to and helped, please go to www.dogidog.co.uk.

About Theo Stewart

I am a dog Behaviourist C.C.B (Certified Canine Behaviourist) INTODogs). I have helped over 3000 dog owners over eighteen years. In addition to online consultations all over the world, I cover Beds, Herts, Cambs and Bucks for home visits. A 'Victoria Stilwell' Positively Dog Trainer (VSPDT) and a full member of the IMDT. Graduate ISCP, International School for Canine Practitioners. My main site: www.dogidog.co.uk
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12 Responses to A Second Fear Period?

  1. Pingback: A Second Fear Period? | Paws for Thought

  2. Al says:

    This is the most useful piece I have come across on this topic. I have a confident bouncy 7 month old puppy and have been wondering whether she may be in such a period due to one or two “scaredy-cat reactions” lately as well as some reactivity following a very thorough socialisation it to 16 weeks and beyond. It’s very reassuring to read this as it helps both to put her behaviour into a context and alert me to the need to just be aware/cautious of the possibility. Thank you very much.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Gwen says:

    My 14 month old sweet and fun chispaniel Leila just started this behavior. I was terrified. Reading your article is so comforting


  4. Melissa Kiefer says:

    My 5 1/2 month old puppy is suddenly afraid of new situations, people and noises, such as traffic and trucks. We were thinking it may be a fear period, but it has now lasted for about a month- 5 weeks.
    Any thoughts?!


  5. I’ve found that the second fear period coincides with the loss of puppy teeth. At that time the puppy no longer has puppy breath that tells adult dogs ‘I am a baby don’t hurt me.’ and their loss of teeth make their defense against scary things more difficult. All they can really do is run and hide, thus run and hide because a proven strategy to get away from scary things.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Noel says:

    how long does the second fear period last?


  7. Anna Dore says:

    Our pup was very carefully socialised with the fear periods already on our radar I kept her away from busy roads, exposure to loud noises as much as possible and she had lots of interactions with people. Whilst out doing a training session to encourage her to ignore strangers rather than jump all over them with excitement (7 months old), she suddenly started reactively running back and forth on her lead barking, when I turned around an older gentleman was heading our direction. This was the start of our fear period in adolescence. It lasted for approximately 3 weeks then she was back to normal but it seems to have hit us again out of the blue, it’s a 50/50 if she wants to greet someone excitedly or bark at them to warn them off. She is particularly fearful of people that she doesn’t expect to see there… a walk along the beach and then there’s suddenly someone there, a woodland walk, someone getting out of a car. She has started to run towards people barking which is quite intimidating. It’s so sad to see her acting this way as she’s always been almost overconfident with people.

    I’ve read that there can be a series of fear periods in adolescence, so I’m hoping that’s the case as this has been going on for 8 week period with a gap of approximately 2 weeks grace in the middle.

    She’s still incredibly friendly with people and her idea of fun is being in a room full of people or waking around a busy shopping maul saying hello to everyone she’s able to.

    This behaviour is really baffling me and I don’t know what to think anymore.


    • Theo Stewart says:

      Sometime something has happened that through the dog’s eyes has had a big effect – something we may not even have noticed. Especially during a sensitive period. Has she had behaviour help?It’s not enough just to assume it’s a fear period and to wait for it to go.


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